Growing up on the bayou in Abbeville was a seafood lover's dream. Fresh gulf seafood was at our fingertips daily, right off the boats. My mother's cousin had a trawling boat and would bring in tons of fabulous, fresh shrimp, crabs, oysters, and fish every weekend. He would make the rounds to all the family member's homes and stock their freezers full. He was generous to a fault!
Then his family would have a big seafood feast on Saturday nights, complete with a live Cajun band that he played in. They had a camp in their backyard, built especially for parties. What could be better than delicious seafood, a Cajun band, and a whole lotta dancing going on. How I wish that I had videos or even pictures of these shindigs. Even though I do not, my memories of these good times are so etched into my memory, that I can recall every detail, just as though it was yesterday. Fun just stays with you.
I took a ride to Abbeville, today, to visit my Dad and to take him out to dinner. Since Abbeville is famous for it's selection of fabulous seafood restaurants, it's always hard to choose one. I was in the mood for boiled crabs (yes, again), so we started to head over to Richard's Seafood Patio to dive into some sinfully delicious, highly seasoned crabs. On the way there, please try to understand that we had to drive by three other fabulous seafood restaurants, before getting to Richard's. We were getting hungrier by the minute.
Black's, a landmark in Abbeville, is famous for it's oysters, as well as it's seafood gumbo, and other Cajun seafood delicacies. It's original location was a bit up on the same block, on Pere Megret Street, in my grandfather's old building. My Dad's store was right next door, in the same building. To say that this was lucky is understating the joy of smelling all of this wonderful food cooking, whenever my brother and I would go to Dad's store, after school. We had more than a few after school snacks at the old Black's. Oh, cest bon, cher!
Dupuy's Oyster Shop was closed for vacation, so that eliminated agonizing over that one. Next we came to The Riverfront Grill, which is famous for it's New Orleans style seafood dishes, as well as divine Cajun cuisine. Dad wanted some crawfish etoufee and by this time, I just wanted crab anything. And then I remembered the succulent , Eggplant Evangeline that is my favorite item on the menu. Fried eggplant /topped with crabmeat in bechamel sauce with a spinach salad and sweet potato fries. It was all out of this world! What about Richard's? Well, maybe next week! Do you have a favorite seafood restaurant?
Low-carb Recipes
9 hours ago
How in the world do you stay so thin???
We go to a little place called Skippers. Its got tables set up outdoors, overlooking Long Island Sound, and the Amtrak tracks run along the coast, so every now and then the train passes by, adding to the fun. btw, that Eggplant Evangeline sounds heavenly!
When we traveled down to the gulf years ago, I will never forget the best seafood joint I ever ate at. ClaraBells. It was a dive and right on the water with the shrimp boats in view. I ate the biggest oysters! My mouth is watering!
always love your posts - but have to admit that it is SO difficult coming by and reading them because they make me so wonderfully homesick for louisiana!!! again, thanks so much for sharing a bit of "home" - jenean
I love the sign! Your dish sounded fabulous. My new favorite seafood joint is the sailboat we were lucky enough to ride on last Sunday. Our new friend Eric is quite a foodie, and he served us fresh steamed crab right on deck, followed by a lovely array of incredible veggies. Simple but wonderful!
Angie- I dance a lot, swim daily, and do a yoga routine each morning. And, I eat very little meat and sweets. :)
Joanne- It was heavenly and I'm working on duplicating the recipe for a future post. Skipper's sounds charming.
Kat- Clara Bells sounds like a little place that we used to go to in Grand Isle. Those waterfront places usually have the best seafood.
gypsywoman- It's my pleasure to share a bit of home with you, cher! Cook one of the recipes, have a glass of wine, and listen to some Louisiana music. That's what I used to do when I lived in Maryland and it helped so much.
Elizabeth- A new friend with a sailboat and who likes to entertain and steam crabs? Hang on tight to that one, cher! Cheers!
Why is it that I feel so terribly hungry everytime I come by here ??? There must be a good cajun word for : "Terrible pangs of hunger inspired by someone's charming description of delicious sounding food" !
Owen- I think it's something like "avoir un beaucoup creux" but don't quote me on that. Le Bon Manger,cher!
Thanks for visiting. I loved your post, today!
Now you're just rubbing it in, I'm jealous...and dang hungry!
That is right Marguerite j’ai un petit creux dans l’estomac à entendre tous ces délices! I have been to Louisiana several times and have to say that the food was superb and the people very kind.
Now, Irish, if you didn't live so close to the Chesapeake Bay, I would almost feel sorry for you. lol
Warning: I will be coming up to my house on the Eastern Shore of Md., in August. Ocean City is calling me!!
Vagabonde- Thank you so much for the French lesson. lol You love Cajun people and food, so I now pronounce you an honorary Cajun. :) Loved your Bastille Day post!!
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