The crowd was feisty and starting to kick up it's heels. Most people were on their first beer, and the dancing usually gets more intense, according to how many beers the crowd has had! Toward the end, it usually is so crowded, that patrons take to dancing on the bar, a tradition at Whiskey River, and a sort of initiation, for newcomers. An absolute blast, cher! Let the good times roll!
Here's a little clip that I took of the dancers, right before half-time. They were really starting to cut the rug! The band was in fast forward mode and were boogie-ing down, cher! Also, this band is very loud, so the audio sounds a little warped at times, but you can get the idea. It's that push and pull action that keeps you in shape, not to mention the fancy footwork. Very aerobic!
I ran into an old friend, on the porch, who told me that there was a big shindig going on, right up the road on the levee, at Pat's Atchafalaya Club and Restaurant. It was a fundraiser for a cancer patient from New Orleans, with FIVE bands playing! We couldn't resist checking it out. The place was packed to the gills and the restaurant was serving up the usual seafood delicacies. Cest bon!
To be continued.....
And remember, this was all in one day! Oh the life of a Cajun, is oh, so fun!
And remember, this was all in one day! Oh the life of a Cajun, is oh, so fun!
Marguerite, I love that video. I showed it to my daughters and they want to go!! It looks like such a good time. We want to know ... do you own cowboy boots like the ones we see in the video?
I enjoyed the video, it looks like so much fun. Percy Sledge, Wow! Can't wait for the second half.
Ah, what a life! Can I be you?
Thanks for your sweet comment, cher! You and your daughters would love it! Yes, I own several pairs. (one Mardi Gras, one zebra, and one red), all leather! They do come in handy, at times! Cheers!
Kat- Thanks, so glad you enjoyed it, cher! This crowd went nuts, when he came on. I'm working on it! Have a great weekend!
ellen- Thanks, I'll take that as a compliment, cher! So glad you stopped by!
I was obviously born in the wrong country LOL.
Saw the video clip of all the dancers having a ball. I just love watching people enjoy themselves.
Now there is a saying you know! "All play and no work makes Marguerite an A1 gal!"
You sayu you are on some of the videos - give us a clue! Or do you want me to wade through all your posts? You do! OK but it might take some time and do I get a prize if I find you? LOL
Glad you were amused by my latest post LOL. Plenty more where that came from. Just need time to do it.
Hugs ~ Eddie x
Just read your profile Marguerite. Is "Lassiez les bon temps rouler" French for "Let the good times roll"? Think so - must be.
wow, that sounds like fun, I'll have to come back to play the video as Gary is sleeping and I am sure the music will wake him up. the houseboat looks grand and the blackberry cobbler on the menu, yummy. Oh I just read about your three cowboy boots, ha, what a hoot.
What does 'cher' as the end of sentence mean?
get so lonesome and blue and homesick every time i'm here!!!! ;)
but also get all happy and smiley and start dancin' round and jumpin' up and down!!!!
thanks so much for such wonderful tastes of home, cher!
Eddie- lol, You always make me laugh! Glad that you enjoyed the dancin', cher! It's even more fun to dance, instead of watching! It will take a lot of time, but it will be worth it, I promise you! lol You got that right, cher!
Linda- Merci beaucoup for your sweet comment! It's all fun and the blackberry cobbler is fab! Cher, pronounced "sha" is an endearing term, expressing fondness. A French term for "dear". Thanks for stopping by!
Gypsy- It's my pleasure to give you a taste of home cher! So glad you enjoyed dancin' to the video! Thanks for coming by and have a great weekend!
I'm sooo envious...sorry. :} It looks like you all had a fantastic time!!! Oh, the life of a Cajun is for me!!! I'm gonna retire there, and you and I can kick up our heels! ;-)) Love this particular header photo, btw. And LOVED the video! You always bring me SUCH smiles! Love you, Janine XO
Oh what fun, wish I could join you.
What a great place! And the photo of the house boat...well, you don't see spots like that in the Pac NW.
I was in DC and Boston last week where it was actually hot, humid beer-drinking weather. Nothing like a cold one in those conditions!
We came back in town and I started the computer tout de suite. I already had dinner before I read all your posts, which is good, as I get so hungry reading your food posts! I see Marguerite that your Cajun Life is going strong even though it must be getting quite warm in Louisiana. Keep having fun chère.
Janine- Merci for your sweet comment, mon amie! I'm so glad that you stopped by! Why wait till retirement? lol There's no time like the present, to have fun cher! :)
Shammickite- So good to hear from you! Thanks, I wish that you could, too. Thanks so much for coming by!
K.- Merci beaucoup for your sweet comment, and for stopping by, cher! That houseboat is heaven! Glad to hear that you're having fun and traveling!
Vagabonde- Merci for your lovely comment, mon amie! It's probably a good idea to have dinner first. lol It is quite warm, but normal, for this time of year. Thanks so much for coming by, cher!
Thank God you have such a positive spirit that pulls you forward in spite of all that's hitting all around those swamps. We are praying that this nightmare on the Gulf comes to an end.
Just tuned in again to your blog Marguerite
To see what next to us you will treat
Will part 3 of your Blast
on the swamp be as fast
As the others you wrote of, my sweet!
I wonder what recipees you have this time
And what words I must think of to finish this rhyme.
Will it be crawfish? Will it be shrimps?
And will Eddie manage to waltz with his limps?
Can't do any more because I am shattered with all the decorating and I am off to the land of nod.
Goodnight Marguerite!
Hugs ~ Eddie
I felt myself dancing in the video dearest Marguerite . Perhaps one day, why not? Realy it's a big enjoy! I hope they can make slow music from Frank Sinatra for an old man. Waitting the other part with a big agog.
Fantastic post...I want to go!
lakeviewer- Thanks so much for your kind comment, cher! We have to stay positive, to stay sane! Many thanks for your prayers, they are greatly appreciated!
Eddie- Merci, cher, for the sweet poem! So funny! lol You are so canaille, but I like you! lol Sweet dreams! zzzzzz!
Jivago- So good to see you,and glad that you enjoyed it, cher! Cajuns dance into their eighties, so you've got a way to go before you're too old to dance! Cheers, mom ami!
Magic of Spice- Merci beaucoup for your nice comment and welcome to Cajun country! I wish that you could go to Whiskey River, it is so much fun! Thanks for stopping by and for the follow!
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