Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Cajun Gift Shop and Art Gallery

When a good friend called and wanted me to go to lunch, and shopping, I was thrilled. She wanted to go to one of my favorite gift shops, The Jefferson Street Market, in downtown Lafayette. The market is filled with beautiful gifts, original art, and vintage and antique items. There are over 100 booths in JSM and we had no problem spending several hours in this fabulous market.

(click to enlarge)

Below is my favorite booth in the market and I have bought many fabulous items for gifts and for my home, from this room. I have my eye on that lamp. (on right) And I love the mirror, too.
This is a display of wonderful paintings by one of my favorite artists, Julie Breaux. Many local and regional artists sell their paintings, in this gallery. I love the portrait of a Cajun girl.

This is one of my friend's faves where she finds lots of good stuff. I especially like the leopard chair and , I am thinking about buying it for my bathroom, and the vintage cards.

After a while, we decided to grab a light lunch at the market's restaurant, The Whole Wheatery Eatery. We both ordered a Bible sandwich, which comes with avocado, lettuce, tomato, carrots, sprouts, and shredded cheese of your choice, served on pita or whole grain bread. Cest bon with an iced green tea ! I know, not your typical Cajun lunch, but I'm going light, until Thanksgiving!


Cloudia said...

Nice art - nice outing, Cher


Comfort Spiral


oh, what a wonderful little market-everything-place!!! and such beautiful pieces!!! it was so good to be home again and i thank you for taking me there, cajunlady!!! have a glorious wednesday!!!

Joanne said...

We have a place like that here in CT, with over 100 vendors renting space for their antiques, crafts, collections. A veritable treasure chest where I can spend hours browsing (okay, and shopping!)

Kat said...

I love those kind of places. Never know what prize you will find! The Bible sandwich sounds good.
Friends are such a delight to share these sort of adventures with.

Lea Ann said...

I love a good gift shop. I really like all of those paintings of peonys - my favorite flower.

Velva said...

I absolutely love shops just like this one! Thanks for sharing.

The Good Cook said...

oh I would love to shop this place! The sandwich sounds yummy too. Made me very hungry for vegan fare!

Eddie Bluelights said...

I see you are a lady of very good taste, both in your delightful recipes and your art and home furnishings. How is your roast progressing I wonder? I bet it turns out very well done in which case we can dine by candlelight!! ~ see you soon ~ Eddie

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

I could spend way too much time and money there!

Inspired by eRecipeCards said...

I love how you make everyday life so much fun... keep heading to lunch and telling us all about it

and buy the leopard skin

Anonymous said...

I haven't been there in some time. Reminds me that I need to check it out next time I'm in Lafayette. I love couche-couche. Haven't had that since I was little. I need to make for my kids.

Cathy said...

Love the art work! Looks like a fun day!

Kathryn Magendie said...

Why is it called a Bible sandwich?!!

Oh, next time I'm in So La for longer than a few days,I want to go there ! I love looking around shops and antiques and collectible places....sounds like a wonderful day.

Marguerite said...

Cloudia- Bonjour and thanks cher! It was fun. I'd rather be in Waikiki!! Aloha!

Gypsy- So good to see you, lady! Merci for your sweet comment, the pleasure was all mine! Have a splendid Thursday!

Joanne- I know what you mean! I have to really control myself or I can easily run up quite a bill. Thanks for stopping by, cher!

Kat- Oh you are so right about that! The problem is that I found too many prizes! lol The Bible sandwich was delicious, I like to go "veggie", a few days a week.

Lea Ann- Thanks! I love Julie's paintings, from the peonys, to the landscapes, to the portraits. Her style is so inspiring and fun.

Velva- Welcome to Cajun Country! It's my pleasure to share everything Cajun with you! Thanks for visiting!

Sniffles and Smiles said...

Fabulous!!! I'm there!!! Looks like just my kind of place!! I love it!!! Wish I could have joined you for lunch ;-) Have a wonderful weekend, my dear friend!!! Love you! Janine XO

Jo said...

When I clicked onto the pictures, I heard a voice saying, "Ohhhhhhhh......" and I realized it was me...! Omigoodness that shop looks just wonderful. Thank you for the little tour.

Marguerite said...

Good Cook- Thanks, it's a throw- back to my vegetarian days. I still love the organic veggies in between the Cajun stuff!

Eddie- Merci, mon cher. My roast is coming along slowly, but surely! I have had so much on my plate, recently, that my time has been limited. But, soon!!

Katherine- I hear ya, my dear fellow Cajun. It's almost dangerous just to walk in there! Thanks for stopping by, cher!

Dave- Merci beaucoup for your sweet comment, cher! I try to have as much as I can, every day. And yes, I am going to buy that leopard chair!

Deb- You should definitely stop in the next time you're in town. So glad the Cajun word of the day inspired you to want to make some couche-couche. Good stuff!

Cathy- Thanks, we are blessed with so many talented artists in Cajun Country. It was a fun, but expensive outing! Thanks for visiting!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Now that's my idea of a fun day. Those paintings are wonderful. I love the chair too!

Nancy said...

Great shopping. Love the fact that the items are unique. Your lunch sounded much like the ones that I have. :-)

Joanna Jenkins said...

This is my kind of place. I could spend an entire afternoon roaming around. Thanks for sharing.

Marguerite said...

Kathryn- I have no idea! lol I'll have to ask about that. Next time you're in South La., let me know and I'll go with you, cher!

Janine- Thanks so much for your sweet comment, mon amis! I wish that you could have joined me, too. Hope your weekend is wonderful, too!

Jo- Thanks! So glad you liked it! The pleasure was all mine, cher! Have a great weekend!

Elizabeth- Thanks so much for your kind comment. I am going back to buy the chair, tomorrow! Cheers!

Nancy- Merci, cher! And this market is just one of many in Cajun Country. I love my veggie lunches, too!

Joanna- This market also has a huge antique gallery, which was closed on this day. Otherwise I would have been there all day! Thanks for coming by!