Monday, February 13, 2012

Cajun Mardi Gras Desserts

With Mardi Gras in full swing in Cajun country, I have been making my family's favorite Mardi Gras desserts. Namely, a traditional King Cake, with cream cheese filling,  and a newer, easier version of Mini King Cakes. And it wouldn't be Mardi Gras without my French Vanilla Bread Pudding w/ Praline Rum Sauce and a batch of my Chocolate Praline Brownies. All sinfully delicious and perfect for your Mardi Gras celebration. Cest bon, cher! Enjoy!

Traditional King Cake (click here for recipe)

 French Vanilla Bread Pudding w/ Praline- Rum Sauce

12 slices of French bread, torn into pieces
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 cup chopped pecans

4 eggs
2 cups milk
1 pkg. French vanilla instant pudding mix

Place bread pieces in a 2 1/2 quart buttered casserole dish. In large bowl , mix sugar, cinnamon, eggs, milk, and pudding mix, with wire whisk, until well blended. Stir in pecans. Pour over bread pieces and blend until evenly coated. Place casserole dish in a larger baking pan, filled with one inch of water. Bake in a 350 degree oven, for 40 to 45 minutes, or until golden brown. 

Praline-Rum Sauce

3/4 cup light brown sugar
4 tbs.'s butter
1 small can evaporated milk
1/2 cup chopped pecans
2 tbs.'s dark rum or
2 tsp.'s rum extract

Melt butter in saucepan, and then add brown sugar, milk, and pecans. Bring to a boil and lower heat and simmer for 5 minutes, stirring often. Remove from heat and stir in rum, or rum extract. Serve warm over bread pudding.

 Easy Mini King Cakes

1 loaf refrigerated French bread dough
3 tbs.'s butter, softened
1/2 cup sugar
1 tbs. cinnamon

1 cup powdered sugar
4 to 5 tsp.'s milk
1/2 tsp. each,  vanilla and almond extracts

colored sugar - yellow, purple, green

Unroll french bread dough into a large rectangle, about 12x16 inches and brush the dough lightly with softened butter. Mix together the sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle over butter. Cut the dough in half lengthwise and then cut crosswise into strips about 1 1/4 inches wide.  Twist two stips together and tie each strip loosely into a knot, and place on baking sheet about 2 inches apart. 

Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 20 to 25 minutes and allow to cool slightly.

In medium bowl, mix powdered sugar, milk, and extracts to make icing. Dip each mini cake into icing and then sprinkle with colored sugar. Fab!

Chocolate-Praline Brownies (click here for recipe)

 I'll be sharing these at ~

Wishing you all a fun and fabulous Mardi Gras! Merci beaucoup for stopping by!


Velva said...

That's a beautiful King Cake....Happy Mardi Gras to you. There is no place like New Orleans to celebrate.


Cloudia said...

Hey there Valentine!!

Warm Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral

> < } } ( ° >

Gypsy Heart said...

Beautiful and delish! I miss being in Cajun country for Mardi Gras ~ soooo much fun.

Hey, what type of bread do you use in the bread pudding? I can't wait to try all of these! It's time to go to bed and now I'm starving. :-)


Linda Starr said...

Oh another Mardi Gras is coming up so cool, these look delicious.

Kat said...

Those mini king cakes are a neat idea! What a fun time of year for Cajun country! Enjoy.

Magic of Spice said...

What a line up of delicious treats! I am just crazy for that bread pudding!
I hope your father is doing better and wishing you a wonderful Valentines Day!

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness, these all look sinful and delicious!!

mjskit said...

Everything looks absolutely delicious! Love your king cake and those minis are fabulous! I'm going to have to try those!

Pat Tillett said...

They all look great, but I need/want some of the bread pudding right away!
Hope you are doing well...

Tanya said...

I have been following your blog for months now and everything I have made has been fantastic!!! I love the mini king cakes and want to make them with my class. About how many does the recipe make?

Rosaria Williams said...

Ah, let the good times roll...

Miz Helen said...

Hi Marguerite,
I sure am glad you brought the King Cake, I just love King Cake. Have a great celebration!
Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and have a fabulous week.
Come Back Soon!
Miz Helen

Six Sisters said...

All of your recipes look absolutely amazing!! Thanks for joining us on our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." We hope you come back next Saturday. We would love to have you share more wonderful recipes! -The Sisters

Honey at 2805 said...

Thank you, Marguerite, for sharing your Cajan Mardi Gras goodies at Potpourri Friday!