And lots of great music to go with all of this great food, too. Wednesday and Thursday nights are family nights and will feature live music and specials on the carnival rides. On Friday night, there will be a fais do do, and dancing that will last into the night. On Saturday, Jamie Bergeron and the Kickin' Cajuns will rock the crowd and on Sunday, T.K. Hulin and Friends will take the stage, at noon, under the pavilion.
Also on Sunday, there will be the traditional Fisherman's Mass on the docks at 10 a.m., with the blessing of the fleet, followed by a boat parade. Come on out and get into the festival spirit for the first of many fun festivals coming our way. For more info., click here. Let the good times roll, cher!
Nanny's Strawberry Shortcake
Here is a family favorite that is so delicious that I could eat it everyday! It was my godmother's recipe and I have many fond memories of eating this heavenly delight over at her house on hot summer days. I like to bake the shortcake, which is really a poundcake, in the morning, which by itself is a real treat, with a good strong cup of coffee. But layered with whipped cream and fresh Louisiana strawberries, it becomes divinely delicious beyond belief! Cest bon, cher!
1 cup butter
2 cups sugar
2 1/4 cups sifted flour
1/4 tsp. baking powder
1/8 tsp. salt
3 Tbs.'s water
4 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 tbs. lemon juice
1 lb. fresh strawberries, washed and sliced in half
Whipped cream
Cream butter and add sugar gradually and mix well. Combine the dry ingredients in a bowl. Add 1 tbs. at a time to the butter and sugar mixture, alternating with water. Beat the eggs lightly in bowl and add vanilla and lemon juice. Stir well and add to the dry mixture. Mix gently and pour into a greased loaf pan and bake @300 degrees for 1 hour or until toothpick comes out clean. Set aside to cool.
Slice pound cake into eight slices. Place slice on dessert plate, top with whipped cream, then fresh sliced strawberries. repeat. Bon Appetit! Serves 4
Ohhh lady! You read my mind. Lyla and I were just wondering aloud about all the details of the Shrimp Fest...
I should know that'd you'd be on top of this!
i think i'd really enjoy a shrimp festival
Oh Marguerite, I could really go for some strawberry shortcake right now! I'd love to sachet over to that shrimp festival too!
My grandmother used to make us strawberry shortcake too! That picture makes me want some right now. The festival sounds terrific. Have fun!
Nanny's Strawberry Shortcake looks absolutely addictive and I must confess I have a big weakness for shrimps. But Marguerite, where do you get all your energy from for all these activities, dancing, limboing, 'canoodling' and all the festivals - the mind boggles! How big an area is involved with your Cajun Delights and just explain please to an ignorant Brit what exactly are the 'delights' or is that question forbidden? Do you think you could tempt me to pop over to see for myself? ~ Eddie x
I think I might have to run away and come join you for both!!! Just don't tell anyone.
gawd, that looks delicious. I usually make Bisquick shortcake, which I love. Strawberries too watery and tasteless this year in New England; too much rain & too little sun. A shrimp fest sounds wonderful. I can eat buckets of them. urp!
I gained eight lbs. just reading this recipe. Omigawd, it looks wonnnnnnnndeful.
I'll start my diet tomorrow. *heh*
Gosh, festival time? Your whole life is a festival. :-)
Kora- You know that I would never miss the Shrimp Festival! And they are having a shrimp cook-off, too. I'll see you there!:)
Justin, You would not believe the shrimp, at this festival. Some are 6 inches long and look like steaks! I am a shrimpoholic, so I can't wait!
Katherine- Merci, cher! This strawberry shortcake is sinfully
delicious.Worth the calories! I wish you could come to the festival, too!
Elizabeth- Thanks,the cake is really easy to make, but you might want to make two. It is going to be fun, eating all of those shrimp!
Shrimp festival! Wowow, you are lucky! :)
Shrimp & strawberry shortcake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ono (Delish!!!)
I love it here-
Aloha Sistah-
Comfort Spiral
Oh yummmmmmyyyy! I've GOT to try that shortcake...unless you can mail me some. :)
Eddie- You always make me laugh! I get all of my energy from my French genes! We are just born with it and it stays with us till the end! Acadiana (Cajun Country) is an area comprised of 8 parishes in South Louisiana. And my whole blog represents my Cajun Delights, and has tempted many for a visit! lol
Marlene- So nice to hear from you, cher. Wish that you could! Cheers!
Cal. Girl- Buy the California strawberries, or use fresh peaches or blueberries, etc. The cake is fab. I'll eat some shrimp for you and have a daiquiri, in your honor!
Jo- Merci, cher! You're right, it's one festival after another. You know the Cajun motto? Lassiez les bon temps rouler!
Music! Eating! Dancing! I declare this life of a Cajun is too much fun – don’t you think people take life seriously in this country? Would you have any French ancestry by any chance? These French people are no good – they think life is a party. Seriously, I’d love to eat some of that strawberry shortcake – delicieux.
I'm thinking I live in the wrong state. Texas loves bbq. I am not a fan. But the seafood you work with in your land, killing me just thinking about how it might taste. Perhaps a trip to your fine state is in order soon.
I don't think, I know, I am living way too far away from your house! If my son saw that strawberry shortcake, he'd drop everything and anything like a hot potato and be on his way down south in a NY minute and if I thought I could get him to whiz by and pick me up, I'd be there too! Looks fantastic!
I'm not big on sweet stuff, so I'll pass on the shortcake, but the shrimp is another matter. You guys always seem to have a festival on! Kickin' Cajuns, they sound fun. Have a good time.
The festival sounds fabulous! What a neat tradition for the shrimpers. Enjoy for me!
Mon Dieu,
Vous belle dame avec les beaux yeux. Je suis sur mon chemin de vous voir.
I have some lovely things to whisper in your ear in my forthcoming play. Do you think I would make a good French Man?
Until then ~ Eddie
Karine- Thanks so much for visiting and welcome to Cajun Country! Your blog is fantastic!
Cloudia- Aloha, cher! Thanks for your kind compliments. So glad that you fared well in the storm.
Angie- Guess you'll have to make it because with this heat, it would be a soggy mess by the time it arrived via snail mail. lol
Vagabonde- Merci, cher! You know the French motto, "Eat Drink and Be Merry!". Life is a party!! I really enjoyed your post, cher!.
greetings...I am new on your site. I found you by googling cajun recipes and blogs. I love the look of your blog, and the instructions are terrific. Thanks for all the effort, and I will be looking in often
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