Now for this to be legal they are required to tape the straw hole shut on the lid and then everything is good to go! Only in the great state of Louisiana, I promise, will you find the laws governing the sale of alcohol to be slightly relaxed and out of sync with the rest of the country. There are four sizes of daiquiris to go. Small, medium, large, and gallon! The girl in the car in front of me ordered a gallon size.
This is a nice option if you're not going to be coming back for a while or if you have a lot of unexpected company. Just freeze and enjoy, as needed. When a good friend of mine from Maryland came down a few summers ago, she was amazed by this Cajun tradition that allows" to go" alcohol. She should have lived here in the 60's and 70's, when there was a drive up beer/liquor stand on practically every corner.
Banana Colada Daiquiris
4 oz. spicy gold rum
8 oz. pineapple juice
2 oz. coconut cream
2 bananas
Place all ingredients in a blender, plus 1 cup crushed ice, and blend on high speed for 1 minute. Garnish with maraschino cherry and fresh pineapple slice. Serves two. Enjoy! Cheers!
Note: This simply divine drink can also be made without alcohol. Equally delicious!
LOL! I live in Nevada, where the liquor laws are lax, but nothing like Louisiana! My hat is tipped to you...
Being in a "dry" county, I find this amazing. Loads of people drink here in this dry county, but don't tell anyone! Ha! Have one for me.
LOL- So nice to see you. It's part of the 300 year old Napoleonic Law System that La. operates under.
That's amazing to me, Kat. I didn't realize that there were any states that were still "dry". Think I'll have one in your honor!
omg, I've never seen anything like this. Don't forget, I'm in staid New England! But your mention of the 70s brings back memories of the drinking age being 18. It actually seemed like alcohol consumption was more lax then it is now.
Joanne- It's still the drinking age here, that is as long as one of your parents is with you!! Also, it's really 21, but the 18-21 year olds can get into a club, but are not supposed to drink. My daughter was only carded once during her 4 years of college! And you're right, the 70's were totally laxed about everything!! lol
LOL! You know, people here can't believe we have daiquiri shops on almost every corner and that they have drive-thru windows. The real kicker is the gallons are on sale on Sundays! That blow the Bible thumpers away up here - LOL
The company I worked for in N.O. is the general contractor for NOOD and Fat Tuesday.
Katherine- Always nice to hear from a fellow Cajun who understands these The Fat Tuesday mixes are the best.
I freakin' LOVE this idea! How fun! I would definitely load up with a couple of gallons of good stuff when I was going to have a party. It's easier than making it yourself. Somebody always gets drunk and forgets to put the lid on the blender and, ooops, foo foo drink everywhere!
Cal. Girl- Thought you'd like this idea. I know what you mean about someone getting drunk and forgetting about the lid on the blender. lol
In my absence, (still unpacking from the move), I missed your banana daiquiri post. Well, I found the posting today and at first I thought they must have been non-alcoholic. Back in the '60's I remember my dad pulling up to a drive thru liquor store and being served a gin and tonic here in California. But frozen daiquiri's on a hot day, that beats all! You certainly deserve an AWARD for your enticing blog. Thank you so much for mentioning me. I am honored and humbled.
Thanks Elizabeth- So good to hear from you. Miss your wonderful posts, but understand about moving. Wish you could join me for a cold one.
Here's to you!
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