One of my favorite places to spend a Sunday afternoon is the Atchafalaya Basin, better known as the Henderson Swamp. It's majestic beauty is unparalleled and the fun one might find there on any given Sunday, is really incredible! I've had a lot of inquiries about this car-boat that I'm seen waving from in my sidebar. It is a 60's German Amphicar, owned by a bachelor friend of mine and it actually floats on water and drives on land, and is an absolute blast. It only goes about 10 miles per hour and has a built in bilge pump to pump out water that sometimes gets in the car-boat. It's a total blast!
He launches it at Angelle's Whiskey River Landing, on Levee Road, in Henderson. It's perfect for cruising around the swamp for a few hours before the Sunday afternoon dance at Whiskey River. We have friends that have camps on the swamp that we stop by and visit, along the way. Then when 4 o'clock comes, it's time to dance. Whiskey River is also a dancehall, as well as a boat landing, and plays host to some of the best Cajun and Zydeco music and dancers, anywhere.

There is a beautiful view of the basin from the dance floor and the dancing that goes on here is nitty-gritty, like no other place I know of. As the night goes on, it becomes more and more crowded and some patrons take to dancing on the bar! I am planning to go there this Sunday to hear Jeffrey Broussard and the Creole Cowboys, except this time we'll be driving up to the dance on jet skis! Let the Good Times Roll! Oh, the life of a Cajun!!! To see more pics and videos of Whiskey River and for more information,
click here.
Oh, YOU KNOW HOW TO LIVE!!!!! What fun!!!! I can't even imagine how great a amphibian car must be!!!! I you free-lance about your social life? Are you a food/restaurant critic? If not, you SHOULD be!!!! I love reading your posts...Cajun Country sounds fab!!!! ~Janine XO
I love the photo on the top of the blog, the swamp. And thanks for telling me about the carboat. cool. You should be working for the State as a spokesperson, if you are not already. You make everyone want to be Cajun!!! Love it.
Thanks so much,Janine!! I've lived in several other states, but no other place compares to Cajun Country, when it comes to fun,food, or music. I've always wanted to be a food/restaurant critic, especially if they picked up the lunch and dinner tabs. lol
Kat- Thanks for your kind words. I'm so glad that you enjoy the blog. If I make you want to be a Cajun, then I have accomplished my goal!
Janine's right, coming to your blog is an adventure.
Merci Beaucoup, Elizabeth! I think that your blog is an adventure in excellent writing! Wish that you were moving here!
Marguerite, You not only know how to know how to be a REAL friend!!!!...and to always make me smile!!! Love to you, my friend! ~Janine XO
Looks like fun! What does a web entrepreneur do?
Lynnette Labelle
You live in Fun Country! That boat/car is fabulous - how fun to visit camps along the river on your way to dance. Perfect!
You need to set up a bed and dinner ( instead of breakfast, because we want all the stuff you've been making our mouth's water over) place for all of your blogging friends to come vist!
Thanks for visiting, Lynette and welcome to Cajun Country! Fun is a way of life, here, for sure.
A web entrepreneur is simply an internet business owner. I own four online shopping malls, two of which I have links to, at the bottom of my blog.
Lover of Life- I've actually been thinking about starting a Bed and Fun business on a houseboat that I'm thinking of buying. What a party that would be! And of course, dinner would be included.
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